New Innovative {Must Have} Highchair
A highchair is something that you use everyday – and sometimes it feels like all day! Between my 3 kids, I have tried out probably 6 or 7 different high chairs. Some are too bulky, some are not sturdy enough, some are too complicated, some have too many parts that make them difficult to clean. 4Moms has created a new highchair that fits the bill for every element you could possibly want in a highchair.
Some of our favorite features:
- The tray has a liner that is removable making it easy just to pop in your sink and clean that.
- The entire inside is a removable foam insert. Super easy to wipe clean
- This highchair is super comfortable from babies to toddlers
- My big 2 year old loves to sit it in because there is a place to put his feet.
- It is compact and doesn’t take up a ton of space in your kitchen
- The tray is big enough that there is space for a few different food items
- It feels incredibly sturdy, but is still lightweight
- The entire high chair is adjustable – it can be high enough to sit at your counter, or low enough to sit at your kitchen table
- The adjustments are super easy – it just slides up and down with a gliding motion.
- It is really lightweight and so you can easily move it to different locations in your kitchen
- The best part – magnets!! The tray is attached to the chair with magnets making it super easy to put on and off. You can even do it with one hand!
- The entire tray is magnetic. 4moms has created special magnetic bowls, plates, etc and they literally will not fall of the tray. This is probably one of my favorite features. No more ‘clearing the deck’ as my babies always like to do!
To check out more features and find out more about this incredible highchair, head to 4moms site! If you want to enter our giveaway of one of these highchair – head over to our Instagram!! Giveaway will end 4/18/16.
Natalie Monson
I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.
Learn More about Natalie
Love the looks of this highchair! Cannot find the link on Instagram to enter for the giveaway.
Sorry about that – the giveaway will go live on Instagram on April 15th 🙂
Can I ask how much your son weighs?