Fastest {Juicest} Method to De-seed a Pomegranate
For some reason every time I eat a pomegranate, I feel like I’m literally protecting my body from illness. I know technically it is not really the case, but I would like to continue in my pomegranate bubble and believe it. Growing up, pomegranates were definitely my favorite fruit. We rarely had them and that was probably part of the reason they were my favorite. But opening and eating them was quite the ordeal. Juice would be dripping and flying everywhere, and the entire experience would take at least a half and hour (probably in kid time) I don’t know about all of you, but this year I noticed more pomegranates in grocery stores than I have ever seen in years past. And they were at a much better price than I have seen them. Supply and demand I suppose.
We actually have another post on the blog about how to open pomegranates. I actually think it is a good method, and definitely not very messy. But a lot of our dedicated readers (you folks!) enlightened me on the infamous ‘wooden spoon’ method. So I got online, Googled ‘how to de-seed a pomegranate with a wooden spoon’ and almost every single link led me to the same YouTube video. I watched it and my life was never the same. The only thing I didn’t like about the video, is that the guy talks about pomegranates and other things FOR-EV-ER before he actually shows you what to do. In the time he explains it, you can de-seed an entire pomegranate and be eating its juicy goodness. I will give him props for introducing this ingenious method to the world though, and for that I am truly grateful. So I decided to do a shortened tutorial of the video. When I say the juiciest method, I am not talking messy/juicy. I’m talking to leave the most juice in the bowl. We had so much with a pomegranate we ate last week, that I gave my 3 year old a straw and she was drinking it out of the bowl! And it will literally take you about 1 minutes 30 seconds total. Not even kidding. Prepare to be amazed.

- 1 bowl (big enough to hold all of the pomegranate arils)
- 1 plate to go under the bowl (to catch any extra juice)
- 1 wooden spoon
- 1 knife
Step 1: Score around the middle of the pomegranate. You don’t want to cut through, just cut enough to get through the skin.

Step 2: Pry the pomegranate apart.

Step 3: Bust out your wooden spoon and start whacking. In the video I watched it showed to whack with the flat part of the spoon. I found that if you whack with the side it gets the arils out faster and you don’t have to whack as hard. This has worked for me at least a dozen times, but today when I was doing it, the skin cracked and juice was flying everywhere. So experiment with it and see what you like for yourself.

You will literally get 99% of the arils out of the pomegranate with this method. And it probably takes 30 seconds per half. I am really glad that the price of pomegranates was decent this year, because since we discovered this method we have been eating them like crazy! Easy for you, fun for the kids, delicious for the entire family. Enjoy!

Natalie Monson
I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.
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As seen on Dr oz they cut in half emerged in a large bowl of water and use hand pull seeds out no mess of red juices
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As a kurd we eat pomegranates a lot. I mean we place them in salads, kids love to eat them plain and we even love to make juice out of them. So many of us have Ben using this method of getting pomegrants out for years and years. But great to see it being used 🙂
here the video to do that!