Want healthy meals your kids will love?

Why We Eat Fruit with Breakfast Every Day


Enjoy fruit with breakfast every day. Your kids will thank you some day.


Good morning, Super Healthy families! Today we want to talk about fruit, and how to jump-start your day of healthful eats by including fruit with your kids’ breakfast every day.

Including fruit for breakfast does more than deliver great nutrition: it teaches kids how important it is to start the day with fresh, plant-based foods.

If we parents offer fruit with our kids’ breakfasts consistently when they are young, our kids will take the fruit-for-breakfast habit with them into adulthood. And since fruit packs a punch of vitamins, antioxidants and fiber, that’s a goal we can all hope to accomplish!

I remember my first year in college, when I lived in the dorms and ate at the college refectory. The breakfast fare was typical cafeteria food: piles of pancakes, Froot Loops in plastic dispensers, and soggy scrambled eggs. There wasn’t much in the way of good nutrition there, but I would always take an apple from the small bowl of whole fruit at the end of the line.

I knew that fruit gave me energy without excess calories, sweetness without fat, and lots of vitamins to boot.

Now I still love fruit for breakfast, and I love serving it to my kids, too. We tuck it into our Healthy Habits plate along with some eggs and toast or oatmeal with peanut butter.

Choosing Fruit

Do you need some fresh ideas for fruits you can include with your kids’ breakfasts? Keep an eye out for seasonal picks (find them at the store by looking for what’s on sale, or asking the manager in the produce section.)

Or try some of these, which are easy to reach for even on super busy mornings:

  • Banana slices
  • Orange segments
  • Fresh berries
  • Kiwis
  • Cantaloupe
  • Half a grapefruit
  • Grapes
  • Apples
  • Pears

Got a little more time in the mornings? Try some of these fruit-rich recipes:

Enjoy these ideas, and remember to shoot for variety when you serve fruit with breakfast. And enjoy mornings with your kids by sharing fresh fruit together! What’s your favorite way to serve fruit with breakfast?

Natalie Monson

I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.

Learn More about Natalie

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I love frozen blueberries. Where do you find frozen cherries? They sound delicous. I get my info mostly from a lady that lives kind of by me. You wouldn’t know her.

I got them at the store that rhymes with ballmart. They are the Dole Brand. I’m truly in love with Dole. I only buy frozen fruit from them. It’s like they put that special ingredient in their fruit that they can’t reveal, just like you can’t reveal your secret sources apparently.

Amy, you are amazing. I don’t know if we’ve EVER had anything other than cereal for breakfast. No plates for us, no forks. Bowl and spoon every day.

I’m on my way to the store that rhymes with ‘ballmart’ and I’m going to pick me up some frozen cherries! Yummy!

Yesterday,my nine year old informed me that I am taking this healthy food stuff too far!! I think he was speaking for all of my children. For the past two days, they have passed on the healthy breakfast that I offered and ended up very cranky until lunch time. I know the benefits will make this all worth it but this “detox” period is NO FUN!!!!Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated:)