8 MyPlate Lesson Ideas for K-2nd Grade
Whether you are teaching in school, homeschool, or you just like to teach your kids about nutrition, use these lesson ideas to make education fun! For more free printable nutrition lesson plans go here. Also check out Healthy kids Challenge for great nutrition curriculum tools!

Choose MyPlat
Add More Vegetables to Your Day
Focus on Fruits
Got Your Dairy Today?
With Protein Foods, Variety is Key
Build a Healthy Meal
Kid-Friendly Veggies and Fruits
Cut Back on Your Kid’s Sweet Treats

For more lesson plan ideas, visit Super Healthy Kids

Natalie Monson
I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.
Learn More about Natalie
I used to teach 7th and 8th grade cooking and nutrition classes and this would’ve been great to use! I was surprised at how little about nutrition even kids that age knew. I guess now I’ll have to teach my own kids using these ideas! Thanks for sharing!
what great tools these would have been for my health students! I like some of the nutrition lessons on p.e. central too…ever checked that one out? I LOVE their nutrition and fitness lessons that they use in one…like healthy foods relay, red light/green light with healthy foods…lessons like that!
Thanks for sharing. It’s really a gr8.
Love the plastic plate with divisions and the glass labeled water. Where can I get these?
Here is the link for the plates! I’m not sure if the glass is still available.