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16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice


We eat a lot of pineapple around this house! And since we don’t live in Hawaii, we get our pineapple frozen, canned, or jarred.  However, have you ever caught yourself pouring the pineapple juice down the drain?  We’re guilty!  Before you do it again, check this post for ideas on using up that delicious juice! Here’s 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice.

16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!

First and most importantly- there is no need to ever buy your canned pineapple with sugar added. There is always an option for 100% naturally sweetened pineapple juice in your pineapple. With that out of the way- here are 16 ways you can use this delicious juice!

  1. Drink it    Drain your pineapple juice, and pour into a glass or pitcher. Than, fill your glass or pitcher with an equal amount of water. We always dilute our juices.  There is no reason to drink it with the full amount of juice. It not only lasts longer, but better for you. 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  2. Make Popsicles  We love popsicles.  You can dilute these with water, or you could pour them into a popsicle mold with the full amount of juice for a super sweet snack. 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  3. Use it in smoothies  If you already have frozen fruit on hand, pour your pineapple juice right into the blender.  If you aren’t making a smoothie right away, pour the juice into an ice cube tray.  Once you are ready for a smoothie, you’ll already have the frozen cubes ready to be blended! 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  4. Marinades  Pineapple juice makes a delicious marinade!  You can add it to meat and refrigerate for a few hours, or add it to your slow cooker.  The enzymes in the juice make your meat so tender!  Look how these Pork Sliders have the most tender meat!  Get the recipe from Closet Cooking here! 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  5. Teriyaki Stir Fry Our go-to Teriyaki sauce has either orange juice or pineapple juice!  (full recipe below).  It gives Teriyaki that sweet and delicious flavor that is perfect with rice, veggies, and chicken! 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  6. Toss with fruit salad  Adding pineapple juice, not only tastes great, but keeps those fruits prone to oxidation protected!  No bananas or apples turning brown.  16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  7. Pineapple Whip Been to Disneyland?  We have re-made the Dole Pineapple whip over and over! Pour a little bit of extra pineapple juice at the bottom of your cup, and squeeze the pineapple whip on top! SO YUMMY!! 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  8. Fruit dip  Sweeten up any fruit dip with a tablespoon of pineapple juice!  We do this with just yogurt to give it a sweet, tangy zest!16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  9. Bake with it  This is fascinating! Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice?  Get the details here.  Replace the oil, milk, or water, in any of your baked goods such as cakes, quick breads, cookies, and even pancakes!  16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  10. Oatmeal Instead of water or milk in your oatmeal for breakfast, cook it with pineapple juice!  No need to add sugar when you do it this way, and it will still be sweet for you and your kids!16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  11. Preserve your herbs If you freeze herbs to preserve them, consider freezing them in pineapple juice.  This works great with mint, as pineapple juice and mint are delicious together! 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  12. Sparkling soda! Looking for a fancy drink!  Try pouring into a glass, half pineapple juice and half sparkling water!  The kids love drinking fancy drinks like this! 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  13. Ice Cream To make this “ice cream” creamy, we blended pineapple juice, bananas, and mangoes!  After we blended it, we froze it.  What we got was delicious! 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  14. Sorbet A sorbet is different from Ice cream, as it’s more fruity, and less creamy!  This sorbet was made from freezing pineapple juice only!  We poured the pineapple juice into a glass bowl.The next day, we scraped the entire bowl of frozen juice into a food processor and crushed it up until we could scoop it!  SO REFRESHING! 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  15. Sour Dough Starter!  Did you know you can use pineapple juice to make a starter for sour dough? I didn’t! Learn how on this video here 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today!
  16. Salad Broccoli Slaw And last of all, we use pineapple juice as a base for sweet salad dressings!  This broccoli slaw makes it on our table for dinner A LOT!  16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today! That’s our 16! Do you have more?  Let us know in the comments!


  • 2 cups pineapple juice
  • 1/2 cup soy sauce
  • 2 teaspoons fresh grated ginger
  • 1 teaspoon kosher salt
  • 1 clove garlic
  • 1/4 cup brown sugar

Mix all ingredients together and store in an airtight container in the fridge. Use to pour over fried rice or stir fry!

FOOD - 16 No Waste Ways To Reuse Pineapple Juice. Did you know you can bake with pineapple juice? I know one of these ideas you'll want to try today! https://www.superhealthykids.com/16-no-waste-ways-to-use-pineapple-juice/

Natalie Monson

I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.

Learn More about Natalie

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Why have I been paying for little cans of pineapple juice for my kids lunches on days when I could be draining pineapple juice?! Thanks for this! I totally didn’t know you could use it to replace liquids in baking.

I used 4 T pineapple juice for 4 T oil in a banana nut muffin recipe. Worked well. I’ve often used banana or applesauce to replace oil. Good to have another alternative