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Frozen Yogurt Grapes Recipe


Sometimes when it is hot outside, you need a snack that is refreshing.  During hot weather we love frozen grapes.  I have been freezing grapes as a refreshing snack for a long time.  They are sweet, cold, and so yummy.   Sometimes I just want something with a little more sustenance.   Yogurt and grapes seemed to be the perfect combination.  This Frozen Yogurt Grapes Recipe is super fast and easy to make.

Frozen grapes, with a touch of yogurt!

Step #1: Freeze the grapes.  All you need to do is pick the grapes from the stem, rinse them and then place them on a baking sheet.  It takes a couple of hours for the grapes to freeze all the way.

Frozen grapes, with a touch of yogurt!

Step #2: Dip the grapes in yogurt.  I let the grapes thaw for just a few minutes because it was easier to get the toothpick in them.  Dip in your favorite yogurt and then place back on your baking sheet.

Frozen grapes, with a touch of yogurt!

If you want to roll it in a topping, do it right after you dip in the yogurt.  The yogurt will freeze pretty fast because the grape is frozen.  We tried a few different toppings, but coconut was our favorite in the end.  At this point you can either put them in the freezer in a container to store, or serve them up!  If you like the yogurt a little harder, pop them back in the freezer for a few minutes.

Frozen grapes, with a touch of yogurt!

If you leave them out, they won’t last long!!

Frozen grapes, with a touch of yogurt!
Frozen Yogurt Grapes Recipe

Natalie Monson

I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.

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This is seriously dangerous.
I think you should include that adults NEED to cut the grapes length ways before serving to children! Grapes are a massive choking hazard and have killed children.

Yes- parents need to take in account the age of the children when preparing. Thanks for keeping that in mind.