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Food Art Made Easy

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The one thing you need to make food art simple and easy? INSPIRATION! 

A recent article reported that picky eaters become more accepting of new foods, when they are given the opportunity to play with their food!  (source) Personally, I love food art, food crafts, and everything to do with food.  However, I’m not creative at all. Literally, not one single bone in this body is a creative one.  So, I do what many moms like me would do, I turn to others for inspiration!

Whenever we share fun food art, or food crafts, we always get hundreds of parents exclaiming: WHO HAS TIME FOR THAT?? It always makes me laugh, because I wonder why they would be hiding out in the kitchen creating artistic plates full of food.  To me, that’s like taking your child’s coloring book, coloring it for them, and then handing them the finished product.  Our food crafts are no different. WITH my kids, we find inspiration through fun pictures, books, pinterest, websites, and more.  Then, we re-create what we find, together!

One blog we’ve used for inspiration for more than 5 years now has been Kitchen Fun with My 3 Sons.   I’ve turned to Jill over and over because she shares my philosophy that food can be fun when you do it with your kids, so her ideas are simple and super easy to recreate on our own.  Jill recently published a book with some of her best ideas. It’s called:  Wild Eats and Adorable Treats.   So, with her new book, my son and I chose one that we had all the ingredients for.  He chose this apple owl snack. Here’s our comparison.  Jill’s picture is on the top, and my son’s copy cat on the bottom:

Food Art Made Easy. The easy way to create fun food!

Not too shabby! Seriously, when you have a picture to copy, the rest is just fun.    The kid that made this with me is 12 years old.. but he not only does he want to make more from the book, but he ate the entire plate!

Food Art Made Easy. The easy way to create fun food!

This book has breakfast, lunches, snacks, and dinners, with fun facts about each animal that she has you re-create.

Food Art Made Easy. The easy way to create fun food!

Check it out here on Amazon.

To get more ideas, follow Jill at these links: Facebook , Pinterest,  Instagram, or her blog.

Food Art Made Easy. The easy way to create fun food!

Natalie Monson

I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.

Learn More about Natalie

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