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Printable Lunchbox Jokes


I’ve packed a bazillion school lunches. I used to send a sticky note with sweet and uplifting words like, “I love your laugh.” “I love your ideas.” But there are a lot of mornings where just getting food in my kids lunches is all I have time for.

Enter Printable Lunchbox Jokes. Because most of us don’t have time every morning for a sweet note – printable jokes are a lifesaver. My kids look forward to the joke of the day. We talk about the joke after school and we laugh.

Here are some fabulously clever jokes that will have your kids smiling at lunch.

Star Wars Jokes 

Any Star Wars fans at your house? These are perfectly designed and super clever. Over at Kristen Duke Photography you can find also Frozen jokes!

Clever Jokes

I love these jokes from All The Boys. They are easy enough to read for a beginning reader – but still clever for older kids, too.


Encouraging Messages

Big test day? New school? Try these encouraging messages from Lil’ Luna.

Awesome Lunch Box Jokes

Cheesy Jokes

I caught myself laughing out loud at, “What color is a burp?” Perfect for all kids who laugh at bodily functions. Find these over at Cap Creations.

Sports Jokes

Do you have sport lovers? They will love these jokes from Inspiration Made Simple

Food Jokes

And finally – because we all love food themed jokes the most – here are some funny ones from Love Bakes Good Cakes.

Natalie Monson

I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.

Learn More about Natalie

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