Chocolate Dipped Straw-Banana Pops
My girls really love fruit, but they occasionally will go through a food ‘jag’ and not want to eat certain fruits. My oldest daughter who is now 5, used to love strawberries. She would eat them everyday for breakfast, and then usually for a snack. Now she has to be in a special mood to eat strawberries. This is one reason that homemade popsicles are really great. You can blend up a bunch of fruit, freeze it and then your kids are more than excited to eat it. These chocolate dipped straw-banana pops are no exception. They have a sweet flavor from the fruit, but then have a little extra richness from the chocolate. A perfect treat for any kid or adult!
To make these, blend your strawberries and bananas together until smooth. Pour into your popsicle molds and freeze. We love our Zoku because you can make popsicles in 7 minutes and they turn out perfect every time. But if you don’t have a zoku, any popsicle mold will work. There is another mold that we love, at the bottom of this post if you are looking for popsicle molds.
While your popsicles are freezing, melt your chocolate. I used milk chocolate, but you can use whatever chocolate you like. Add about 1 tsp of coconut oil to your chocolate to make it thin enough for dipping. Take a frozen popsicle and dip it into the chocolate. Pull it out quickly and slightly shake it to let some of the chocolate shake off. The chocolate will begin freezing really quickly, and will be almost completely hardened in about 1 minute or less.
If you want a healthy treat to hit that sweet spot, then these pops are for you!
Chocolate Dipped Straw-Banana Pops
- 2 cup strawberries
- 2 medium banana
- 3/4 cup chocolate chips, dark
- 1 teaspoon coconut oil
- Blend together strawberries and bananas.
- Pour into popsicle molds and freeze.
- Melt chocolate and coconut oil together.
- Once popsicles are frozen, dip in chocolate and slightly shake off chocolate.
- Allow chocolate to harden.
- Enjoy!
Natalie Monson
I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.
Learn More about Natalie
I love your website. I am on a very strict diet and many of your recipes allow me to enjoy treats, that otherwise I would not be allowed to have. I just wanted to say thank you ! 🙂
What is the best way to store these? I’m thinking of making a few batches for a party.
After they are frozen, transfer them to a gallon size freezer safe bag and keep them as long as you need in the freezer!
After seeing how beautiful your popcicles turn out in the zoku I finally went and got one for myself. I love it! I’m so excited to start trying your popcicle recipes now. 🙂
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