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Bottle-Fed Babies: Why and When to Wean

Bottle-Fed Babies: Why and When to Wean

It’s hard to know exactly when and how to wean your baby from the breast or bottle, as every baby is different and there are many conflicting recommendations. Personally, I’ve had three babies, two of whom weaned at different times and in different ways, and one of whom hasn’t weaned yet (he’s only 11 months). Looking to credible sources for advice and guidance, and following your own personal wishes and intuition are both important considerations to take when making your decision.

Weaning recommendations

solid foods

For some moms though, breastfeeding comes to an end at or before the one year mark, and that’s ok. Perhaps it is a milk supply issue, their baby decided to wean or maybe circumstances make it too hard to continue or even start in the first place. And then some moms choose to pump and feed their babies breastmilk with a bottle instead. Regardless, it’s important to know when to transition away from a bottle, and why.

Why should you wean from a bottle?

Young toddlers over the age of one no longer need a bottle for proper nourishment. Ideally, at six months of age, solid foods are introduced and by one year of age, babies should be eating regular nutritious meals and snacks. Formula is no longer recommended after the age of one, assuming that a baby is growing and developing well. By 12 months, homogenized milk can be introduced. (up to 500 mL per day) Good options are in an open or straw cup, and be served at or just after meals.

Bottles should ideally be phased out around the age of one for a few important reasons.


Toddlers who drink milk from a bottle (especially throughout the day), may be at a higher risk of iron deficiency anemia. Excess milk can easily replace other essential nutrients, especially those high in iron such as meat, fish, poultry, eggs, beans and lentils. Milk, although nutritious, is satiating because of the protein and fat content, therefore, can fill precious space in small tummies.


Prolonged bottle drinking can put a toddler at increased risk of dental caries. A toddler attached to a bottle all day, at naps and at bedtime for comfort (meaning, the bottle is in the crib or bed with him) is at risk for dental caries. Mostly because of the sugar content in milk, which coats little teeth and often doesn’t get brushed off. Also, it’s easier for toddlers to drink milk in excess when offered via bottle throughout the day. (and taking it to bed) This potentially leads to excess calorie consumption and unhealthy weight gain.

Bottle-Fed Babies: Why and When to Wean


Some experts believe that the spout on bottles (and even some sippy cups) prevents a great opportunity for toddlers. That is to practice mature oral motor and swallowing skills. Bottle nipples promote an infant-like sucking motion. This prevents the front of the tongue from elevating during the swallow. This hinders independent lip, jaw and tongue movements needed for successfully drinking from a regular open cup.

When should you wean your baby from the bottle?

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends phasing out bottles between 12 and 24 months of age. I encourage parents to transition away from bottles closer to 12 months than 24 months. Because of the reasons above. However, weaning bottle feeds (especially the bedtime feed) can be tough, both on baby and parent.  Bottles provide a sense of comfort for babies and toddlers, often helping to sooth to sleep. Alice Callahan, PhD, an expert in pediatric health and nutrition (aka Science of Mom) agrees. Daytime bottles should be phased out by one year, and that toddlers should be practicing with open cups and straw cups at mealtimes . However, she, like me, is also a mom and a realist. So she says “parents might choose to keep an evening bottle until 24 months, and I think that’s fine.”

Some parents do choose to keep that evening bottle though. (whether pumped breastmilk or homogenized cow’s milk) It’s important to make sure that their toddler’s overall milk intake doesn’t exceed about 500 mL/day and that teeth are brushed afterwards.

Bottle-Fed Babies: Why and When to Wean

For more information on infant and child nutrition, follow Sarah on Facebook, where she posts daily!



Natalie Monson

I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.

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Good article. What is your take on fortified milk alternatives when weaning off formulas, rather than using cows milk? I’m trying to find expert advice rather than tonnes of uneducated individual opinions. Thank you 🙂 It’s difficult to wade through all the different information and opinions on the weaning group sites/internet.

Hi Amanda! Thanks for reaching out. For typically-developing toddlers, we recommend ordinary cow’s milk after weaning. The reason for this is because we like to see the majority of kids’ nutrition coming from whole solid foods at this age… including as much variety as possible! A good rule of thumb is to aim for at least three food groups with every meal and snack. The combinations can be simple, like toast, yogurt, and pears for a snack. Or for dinner, small-diced chicken, soft-cooked carrots, and brown rice. Then think of Whole milk as a complement to a balanced solid food diet. I hope this info helps… you’re so right that there’s a lot of conflicting opinions out there!