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5 Tasty Ways To Cook Carrots


If your kids don’t love carrots, don’t give up. Get creative! Try this orange veggie in a variety of different ways to entice your picky eaters.

Common, inexpensive vegetables don’t have to be boring! If your kids are turning up their noses at a veggie prepared a certain way, that’s NOT a sign you should abandon that veggie. It’s just a sign that a little creativity is in order.

Cooked carrots is one of those things for us. If I overcook them even just a little, they end up in the garbage disposal. But if I cook our carrots until they’re just slightly crunchy, and add a little flavor, they get devoured instantly!

Your family might have different preferences than mine. So it’s great to experiment and find which ways your kids like to eat their vegetables.  Here are 5 ways to cook carrots that your kids might love.

1) Braised Carrots

Pan-fry the carrots in a little olive oil for a few minutes, then add a splash of chicken broth and cover to let simmer.  When cooked to desired texture, add a touch of butter and salt. 

roasted carrots

2) Roasted Carrots

On baking sheet, brush with olive oil and sprinkle with salt and parmesan cheese.  Cook at 400 for about 20 minutes.

carrot fries

3) Steamed Carrots

I do this super quick and cooked to perfection in my Rice cooker/ steamer. But a regular steamer basked works, too.

heart shaped carrots

4) Sautéed Carrots

Delicious in stir-frys and a great compliment to other vegetables.  Pour  1 TBL oil in a pan.  Add chopped vegetables.  Stir every minute or so until vegetables are cooked.carrots and peas

5) Flavor-Cooked Carrots

Try a new and different flavor, like Ginger-Orange Carrots.

gingerorange carrots

Ginger – Orange – Carrot – Recipe

  • 5 medium carrots or 1lb. bag of baby carrots
  • 1 teaspoon cornstarch
  • 1/4 teaspoon ginger
  • 2 Tablespoon butter or margarine
  • 1 teaspoon sugar
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 cup orange juice

Slice carrots as desired (baby carrots do not need to be cut) Cook until just tender (about 20 minutes) & drain.  Combine sugar, cornstarch, salt, and ginger in a small saucepan.  Add orange juice; cook, stirring constantly until mixture thickens and bubbles. boil one minute.  Stir in butter.  Pour over hot carrots, tossing to coat evenly.


Natalie Monson

I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.

Learn More about Natalie

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Funny thing is carrots are my least like cooked vegetable, if I do eat them cooked it’s gotta be steamed. I like raw carrots the best though, no ranch/dip just some carrots to crunch on.

Carrots are great. Thanks for all the ideas to get creative with them. We were getting pretty boring around here. What did you used to cut your carrots all cute in the picture?

We usually steam carrots, sometimes we add some butter and the slightest amount of sugar…it’s nice if terrible for you. Luckily my 7 month son eats his baby food carrots…loves them.

I love cooking mine in orange juce, salt and paprika, super easy and soooo good. My little girl loves them!!