Raspberry Almond Tart Recipe
Berries can make any dish light, fresh and beautiful. This Raspberry Almond Tart is one of our favorite Spring desserts because it is so easy, but looks super impressive to whomever you are making it for!

Begin by making your crust. We used almond butter in the crust because it adds a beautiful hint of nutty flavor and a whole lot of nutrition. Almond butter has fiber, protein and a lot more Vitamin E than peanut butter and definitely than regular butter!

The filling is a mixture of cool Greek yogurt, cream, fresh orange juice and honey. It is super light and fluffy and the perfect combination to go with the slightly crunchy crust.

We love this Raspberry Almond Tart Recipe for dessert, but also think it is perfect for brunch for those special occasions – Easter, Mother’s Day, Baby Showers……pretty much any time you want something incredibly delicious yet a bit on the lighter side.

We think raspberries look the prettiest on this tart, but if they aren’t in season you can definitely use a different fruit. Strawberries, blueberries, and even bananas would go well with the different flavors going on.

In order to make this, you will need a tart pan. The difference between this type of pan and other round pans, is that the bottom actually is removable. The sides will loosen and come away from the bottom of the pan, and so you have your beautiful tart without the pan making it much easier to slice. You can also make cheesecake, and quiche in these type of pans. We found these adorable mini tart pans that are perfect for making individual size recipes!

Raspberry Almond Tart
- 1 1/2 cup flour, all-purpose
- 2 tablespoon almond butter
- 3 tablespoon butter, unsalted
- 6 tablespoon water
- 1 1/2 cup Greek yogurt, plain
- 1/4 heavy whipping cream
- 1/8 cup orange juice
- 2 tablespoon honey
- 1/3 envelope (1 tbsp) gelatin, dry powder, unsweetened
- 2 cup raspberries
- Cut the almond butter and butter into the flour.
- Then slow add the water as you mix until it forms a dough.
- Then roll out and place in your tart pan.
- Bake at 400 F for 20-30 minutes, until golden.
- Dissolve the gelatin in the orange juice by heating in the microwave for 20 seconds.
- Cool to room temperature.
- Beat the whip cream with the sweetener.
- Then fold everything together with the yogurt and chill in your fridge for 30 minutes.
- Once your crust has cooled completely, pour the filling into the crust and then top with raspberries.

Natalie Monson
I'm a registered dietitian, mom of 4, avid lover of food and strong promoter of healthy habits. Here you will find lots of delicious recipes full of fruits and veggies, tips for getting your kids to eat better and become intuitive eaters and lots of resources for feeding your family.
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that’s so clever, and it looks delicious, as all your recipes. I was wondering could it work with other type of nut or seed butter? Peanut or sunflower seed for example?
I love what you’re doing and how you encourage parents to find healthy options for our kids! I would encourage you to look at Weston Price info about the importance of butter, especially butter from grass-fed cows. Yes, almond butter has fiber and protein, but I’d put butter in a higher class of superfood, especially when combined in the diet with cod (or skate or shark or any fish) liver oil. The research has been pretty mind-boggling. Jubilee Holistic Health just ran a great podcast as well: The 411 on Cod Liver Oil… and stressed the same butter info. If only I was a mother to young kids again, I’d have fed them vastly different, but I have influenced the teens and young adults in my family to see things very differently now that I know better. Thank you again for what you’re doing. It’s vitally IMPORTANT! The Weston Price info changed the way I view the entire body and I look for signs of health and good nutrition through generations in every face now.
I have gluten-free guests coming to Easter. Could this crust be made with almond flour in place of the all-purpose flour? Or do you suggest a GF flour?
These would be perfect for Easter! I especially love the Almond Butter crust – i bet it’s delicious. The idea of making them in those cute little mini tart pans is perfect – mini food is always fun!